Best Practices in Logistics & Custom between Mexico, USA & Canada | Business | Online Courses


Best Practices in Logistics & Customs between Mexico, USA & Canada Course Syllabus

Course Description:

This course is designed to provide an overview of best practices in logistics and customs between Mexico, the USA, and Canada. Participants will gain a better understanding of the key players involved in international trading and the different regulations each country has for imports and exports. Additionally, the course will discuss major strategies for cutting costs from customs processing, transportation, and inventory management.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand the different regulations for import/export between Mexico, USA, and Canada
  • Learn about the key players involved in international trading
  • Increase knowledge of issues related to taxation and financial requirements for cross-border transactions
  • Analyze major strategies for cutting costs from customs processing, transportation, and inventory management
  • Examine relevant case studies to understand their relevance to current situations
  • Gain insight into risk management practices when trading internationally
  • Understand how to develop relationships with local ports authorities or third-party providers involved in logistics
  • Review the principles of efficient supply chain management on both sides of the border
  • Develop skills for navigating trade agreements with other countries
  • Acquire knowledge of successful strategies employed by companies that have managed to reduce costs while increasing profits from international trading


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