Phonics | Teaching & Education | Online Courses



Course Description:

This online course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of phonics, including basic rules and strategies for reading and writing. It covers key concepts, such as word structure, decoding skills and pronunciation. You will learn about different techniques used in learning how to pronounce new words as well as how to apply a deeper understanding of English language phonetics to areas such as spelling, grammar, and fluency. You will also gain an understanding of how to apply your knowledge on phonics-based instruction to other academic subjects.

Through interactive lectures, readings, discussions, videos, and assignments you will develop your knowledge of phonics while learning practical skills such as identifying sound-letter correspondences, analyzing syllable patterns in words, and applying appropriate instructional strategies. This course is ideal for those who are new to teaching phonics or are interested in pursuing a path involving more advanced topics in the subject.

Course Objectives:

  • Recognize sound-letter relationships
  • Apply letter combinations
  • Analyze vowel sounds
  • Identify syllable types
  • Explain English orthographic conventions
  • Develop decoding skills
  • Utilize effective instruction strategies
  • Identify commonly confused letters
  • Interpret inflectional endings
  • Construct multi-syllabic words
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Our online continuing education courses offer a modern, innovative approach to learning for the global market. Our courses are composed of interactive components such as multimedia, simulations, and virtual reality activities that are tailored to various learning styles and cultures. These components help create an engaging and immersive learning environment for participants. We also provide video instruction which can be used to quickly understand concepts or review material in the future. Additionally, we incorporate social elements like discussion forums, peer review assignments, and gamification to encourage participant engagement with the course material. With our cutting-edge online education courses, learners can gain knowledge quickly while having a dynamic experience.

  • Interactive activities and learning path
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