Public Administration | Business | Online Courses


Public Administration Course Syllabus

Course Description:

This course provides an overview of the field of public administration and its importance in modern government operations. It covers topics such as the legal framework for creating and implementing public policy, the major issues, actors, and policies affecting the public lands and resources of the United States, and processes for effectively leading public service programs in the governmental, nonprofit, and private sectors.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand the legal framework for creating and implementing public policy at all governmental levels
  • Analyze major issues, actors, and policies affecting the public lands and resources of the United States
  • Develop strategies to effectively lead public service programs in the governmental, nonprofit, and private sectors
  • Examine processes for developing successful solutions to public problems
  • Identify key concepts related to professional training in Public Administration
  • Evaluate current issues in Public Management
  • Utilize research methods to analyze data related to Public Administration topics
  • Demonstrate an understanding of ethical considerations when working with public policy initiatives
  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of how local, state, and national governments interact with each other on various policy initiatives
  • Create strategies to effectively communicate with stakeholders on various policy initiatives
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