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  • Course Description:

    This course provides an overview of the principles of accountability and responsibility and how to use them to reach higher performance. Students will learn about methods for setting attainable expectations, delegation techniques, and other topics related to successful outcomes. At the end of this course, students will be able to hold themselves and others accountable across different domains, work collaboratively with colleagues, identify areas of improvement, and develop strategies for improved effectiveness. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of accountability/responsibility
    • Explore principles of setting expectations
    • Analyze methods for effective delegation
    • Utilize strategies for taking ownership
    • Comprehend different techniques for self-assessment
    • Evaluate approaches to discovering motivation
    • Create custom plans for tackling incremental improvements
    • Develop strategies for collaboration
    • Design custom solutions based on program needs
    • Implement techniques for long-term planning
  • Course Description:

    This course provides an overview of analysis. Students will learn about strategies for interpreting data, techniques for determining correlations, and other topics related to finding patterns that explain relationships between variables. At the end of this course, students will be able to accurately assess associations between variables, create innovative systems for uncovering insights from data, and implement strategies that allow them to draw meaningful conclusions from their analyses. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of Analysis
    • Explore principles of analyzing data
    • Analyze methods for uncovering correlations
    • Utilize strategies for interpreting information
    • Comprehend different techniques for using statistical methods
    • Evaluate approaches to understanding relationships
    • Create custom plans based on program needs
    • Develop strategies for recognizing outliers
    • Design custom solutions based on context
    • Implement techniques for successful outcomes
  • Course Description:

    This course provides an overview of the principles of assertiveness and how to use them to take appropriate action. Students will learn about strategies for expressing themselves, methods for setting boundaries, and other topics related to gaining control over situations. At the end of this course, students will be able to confidently express their opinions in a respectful manner, maintain healthy relationships with others, prevent bullies from taking advantage, and identify when to walk away. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of assertiveness
    • Explore principles of self-expression
    • Analyze methods for setting boundaries
    • Utilize strategies for developing confidence
    • Comprehend different techniques for negotiating
    • Evaluate approaches to making decisions
    • Create custom plans for standing up for yourself
    • Develop strategies for collaboration
    • Design custom solutions based on program needs
    • Implement techniques for long-term planning
  • Course Description:

    This course provides an overview of the principles of boundaries and respect in the workplace. Students will learn about techniques for creating healthy relationships, strategies for maintaining professional values, and other topics related to fostering mutual respect among colleagues. At the end of this course, students will be able to assess situations objectively, create innovative solutions for expressing clear boundaries, and implement strategies for promoting healthy working environments. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of boundaries and respect in the workplace
    • Explore principles of open communication
    • Analyze methods for recognizing signals
    • Utilize strategies for addressing issues promptly
    • Comprehend different techniques for building trust
    • Evaluate approaches to environmental awareness
    • Create custom plans for fostering collaboration
    • Develop strategies for setting expectations
    • Design custom solutions based on program needs
    • Implement techniques for successful outcomes
  • Building Rapport

    Course Description: This course provides an overview of the principles of building rapport. Participants will learn about techniques for creating meaningful connections, strategies for fostering trust, and other topics related to developing positive relationships in any context. At the end of this course, students will be able to assess situations objectively, learn to identify common ground quickly and create strategies for sustaining positive interactions. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of building rapport
    • Explore principles of active listening
    • Analyze methods for understanding body language
    • Utilize strategies for expressing empathy
    • Comprehend different techniques for noticing subtlety
    • Evaluate approaches to reading between the lines
    • Create custom plans for engaging with people
    • Develop strategies for facilitating conversations
    • Design custom solutions based on program needs
    • Implement techniques for long-term success
  • Course Description:

    This course provides an overview of the principles of conflict resolution and how to use them to achieve successful outcomes. Students will learn about problem-solving strategies, communication techniques, and other topics related to addressing challenging situations. At the end of this course, students will be able to effectively identify conflicting views, apply appropriate tactics for reconciling differences, and reduce tension for successful outcomes. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of conflict resolution
    • Explore principles of problem-solving strategies
    • Analyze methods for effective communication
    • Utilize strategies for shifting behaviors
    • Comprehend different techniques for resolving conflict
    • Evaluate approaches to identifying challenges
    • Create custom plans for tackling difficult issues
    • Develop strategies for rebuilding trust
    • Design custom solutions based on program needs
    • Implement techniques for long-term planning
  • Creativity and Innovation

    Credit Hours: 3 Course Description: This course focuses on creativity and innovation, examining the relationship among creativity, organizational processes and systems, and successful innovation. Throughout the course the student will explore tools and techniques for fostering individual and group creativity, innovation, the business models to execute these ideas, and principles and practices for leading innovation. Course Objectives:
    • understand the creative process
    • learn how to frame and re-frame problems
    • understand how to challenge assumptions
    • learn to develop their personal creativity
    • understand how to manage creative professionals
    • learn how to develop an organizational climate that fosters innovation
  • Course Description:

    This course provides an overview of data entry. Students will learn about techniques for entering data accurately and efficiently, strategies for verifying information is correct before submission and other topics related to using a database in a productive manner. At the end of this course, students will be able to create plans for increasing accuracy, develop innovative systems for keeping track of information, and implement strategies that allow them to streamline their workflow when dealing with multiple sources of data. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of data entry
    • Explore principles of organizational techniques
    • Analyze methods for validating input
    • Utilize strategies for maintaining accuracy
    • Comprehend different techniques for locating data
    • Evaluate approaches to understanding database structure
    • Create custom plans based on program needs
    • Develop strategies for recognizing risk
    • Design custom solutions based on context
    • Implement techniques for successful outcomes
  • Course Description:

    This course provides an overview of decision-making. Students will learn about strategies for making effective decisions, techniques for evaluating options, and other topics related to finding the best choices available in a given situation. At the end of this course, students will be able to identify key criteria when selecting decisions, create innovative systems for maximizing efficiency, and implement strategies that allow them to draw meaningful conclusions from their analysis. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of decision making
    • Explore principles of evaluating options
    • Analyze methods for uncovering criteria
    • Utilize strategies for weighing alternatives
    • Comprehend different techniques for predicting outcomes
    • Evaluate approaches to understanding consequences
    • Create custom plans based on program needs
    • Develop strategies for recognizing risk
    • Design custom solutions based on context
    • Implement techniques for successful outcomes
  • Course Description:

    This course provides an overview of effective evaluation and interpretation techniques. Students will learn about strategies for developing successful critical thinking skills, techniques for evaluating information accurately, and other topics related to making informed decisions. At the end of this course, students will be able to assess situations objectively, create innovative solutions for interpreting data, and implement strategies for recognizing patterns. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of evaluating and interpreting information
    • Explore principles of critical thinking
    • Analyze resources for uncovering underlying themes
    • Utilize strategies for identifying bias
    • Comprehend different techniques for synthesizing multiple perspectives
    • Evaluate approaches to developing sound conclusions
    • Create custom plans based on program needs
    • Develop strategies for assessing data quality
    • Design custom solutions based on context
    • Implement techniques for successful outcomes
