Family and Community Services | Hospitality | Online Courses


Course Description:

This online Family and Community Services course explores strategies to support families in their day-to-day interactions, as well as teaching them how to cope with specific family challenges. The course focuses on the development of skills for both individual and group work, such as problem-solving, advocacy, and communication.

Course Objectives:

1. Understand the role of a family/community services provider, including knowledge of relevant laws, policies, and regulations.

2. Recognize common types of family problems, assess client needs related to these issues, and develop appropriate interventions.

3. Develop organizational skills necessary for effective service delivery within a professional setting.

4. Utilize evidence-based practices when offering supportive services that reflect cultural awareness alongside ethical principles in social work practice settings

5. Apply clinical assessment techniques while utilizing theoretical perspectives that contribute to sound decision-making regarding therapeutic approaches and intervention plans which best suit each client’s unique circumstances

6. Develop and implement effective strategies for working with families, particularly in difficult or challenging situations.

7. Further develop skills to work collaboratively with colleagues and other professionals while addressing family needs related to mental health, domestic violence, poverty, substance abuse, and more.

8. Formulate meaningful referrals that are relevant to the client’s

SKU: 3910-1-1-2-1-2-1-1 Categories: , Tag:


Our online continuing education courses offer a modern, innovative approach to learning for the global market. Our courses are composed of interactive components such as multimedia, simulations, and virtual reality activities that are tailored to various learning styles and cultures. These components help create an engaging and immersive learning environment for participants. We also provide video instruction which can be used to quickly understand concepts or review material in the future. Additionally, we incorporate social elements like discussion forums, peer review assignments, and gamification to encourage participant engagement with the course material. With our cutting-edge online education courses, learners can gain knowledge quickly while having a dynamic experience.

  • Interactive activities and learning path
  • Instant Access to our platform/multimedia content
  • 1-year full access to the purchased courses
