Introduction to E-commerce Operations | Labor Basic Skills | Online Courses


Course Description 

This course introduces the basics of e-commerce operations, including online sales, digital marketing, and customer service. 

Course Objectives 

  • Understand the basics of e-commerce. 
  • Learn online sales techniques. 
  • Develop digital marketing skills. 
  • Emphasize customer service in e-commerce. 
  • Prepare students for roles in e-commerce operations. 

Course Outcomes 

  1. Explain the basics of e-commerce. 
  2. Apply online sales techniques. 
  3. Implement digital marketing strategies. 
  4. Provide excellent customer service in e-commerce. 
  5. Prepare for roles in e-commerce operations. 
SKU: 7018110 Categories: , , Tag:


Course Contents:


  1. Introduction to E-commerce 
  2. Online Sales Techniques 
  3. Digital Marketing Strategies 
  4. Customer Service in E-commerce 
  5. Preparation for E-commerce Roles 
