Principles of Travel and Tourism | Hospitality | Online Courses


Course Description:
This course provides an introduction to the travel and tourism industry, including key concepts, trends, and the economic impact of tourism. Participants will gain a broad understanding of the travel and tourism sector.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand the principles of travel and tourism.
  • Explore current trends and developments in tourism.
  • Analyze the economic impact of tourism.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Apply principles of travel and tourism in practice.
  • Identify and analyze tourism trends.
  • Understand the economic impact of tourism on destinations.
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Course Contents:

Unit 1: Introduction to Travel and Tourism

  • Overview of travel and tourism concepts.
  • Importance of tourism in the global economy.

Unit 2: Key Tourism Sectors

  • Exploring different sectors within travel and tourism.
  • Understanding the roles and functions of each sector.

Unit 3: Trends in Travel and Tourism

  • Current trends and developments in tourism.
  • Impact of technology on tourism.

Unit 4: Economic Impact of Tourism

  • Analyzing the economic benefits of tourism.
  • Understanding tourism’s impact on local economies.

Unit 5: Sustainable Tourism

  • Principles of sustainable tourism.
  • Strategies for promoting sustainable tourism practices.


  • Participation and Engagement (20%)
  • Quizzes and Assignments (30%)
  • Midterm Exam (20%)
  • Final Exam (30%)
