Social Media Marketing for Hospitality | Hospitality | Online Courses


Course Description: This course explores the use of social media marketing in the hospitality industry, covering strategy development, content creation, customer engagement, and performance measurement.

Course Objectives:

  • To understand the importance of social media marketing in hospitality.
  • To develop effective social media strategies.
  • To create engaging content for social media platforms.
  • To measure the success of social media campaigns.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Explain the role of social media in hospitality marketing.
  • Develop comprehensive social media marketing plans.
  • Create and curate engaging content.
  • Analyze and improve social media marketing performance.
SKU: 6885-2 Categories: , , Tag:


Course Contents:

Unit 1: Overview of Social Media Marketing

  • Importance and impact
  • Key platforms and their uses

Unit 2: Developing a Social Media Strategy

  • Creating a social media plan
  • Content creation and curation

Unit 3: Engaging with Customers

  • Building online communities
  • Managing customer interactions

Unit 4: Measuring Success

  • Analytics and metrics
  • Continuous improvement

Unit 5: Case Studies in Social Media Marketing

  • Successful campaigns
  • Lessons learned


  • Participation and Engagement (20%)
  • Practical Projects (30%)
  • Midterm Exam (20%)
  • Final Exam (30%)
