Products 51 - 55 from 55. Products on page
  • Course Description: This course provides an understanding of luxury hospitality, focusing on customer experience, service standards, marketing, and branding. Course Objectives:
    • To understand the principles of luxury hospitality.
    • To enhance guest experience in luxury settings.
    • To learn about luxury service standards.
    • To develop marketing and branding strategies for luxury hospitality.
    Learning Outcomes:
    • Explain the characteristics of luxury hospitality.
    • Enhance customer experience in luxury settings.
    • Implement luxury service standards.
    • Develop effective marketing and branding strategies.
  • Course Description: This course covers the legal aspects of hospitality and tourism, including contracts, liability, employment law, and regulatory compliance. Course Objectives:
    • To understand the legal principles in hospitality and tourism.
    • To learn about contracts and liability issues.
    • To explore employment law in the hospitality sector.
    • To ensure regulatory compliance in hospitality operations.
    Learning Outcomes:
    • Explain the key legal principles in hospitality and tourism.
    • Manage contracts and liability issues.
    • Apply employment law in hospitality settings.
    • Ensure compliance with regulations.
  • Course Description: This course focuses on revenue management strategies for restaurants, including pricing, demand forecasting, and performance metrics. Course Objectives:
    • To understand revenue management principles in restaurants.
    • To develop effective pricing strategies.
    • To learn techniques for demand forecasting.
    • To use performance metrics to improve revenue management.
    Learning Outcomes:
    • Explain revenue management concepts.
    • Develop and implement pricing strategies.
    • Forecast demand accurately.
    • Use performance metrics to enhance revenue management.
  • Course Description: This course covers advanced topics in hospitality marketing, including digital marketing, customer relationship marketing, and marketing analytics. Course Objectives:
    • To understand current trends in hospitality marketing.
    • To develop advanced digital marketing strategies.
    • To enhance customer relationship marketing efforts.
    • To analyze marketing data for strategic insights.
    Learning Outcomes:
    • Identify and explain current trends in hospitality marketing.
    • Create and implement advanced digital marketing strategies.
    • Strengthen customer relationships through marketing efforts.
    • Use marketing analytics to drive decision-making.
  • Course Description: Focused on delivering exceptional customer service, this course covers communication skills, problem-solving techniques, and service recovery strategies. Participants will learn to exceed guest expectations. Course Objectives:
    • Develop effective communication skills for customer service.
    • Learn problem-solving techniques to address guest issues.
    • Implement service recovery strategies to ensure customer satisfaction.
    Learning Outcomes:
    • Communicate effectively with guests.
    • Resolve customer complaints and issues.
    • Enhance guest satisfaction through service recovery.
