Products 11 - 15 from 15. Products on page
  • Mythology

    Course Description: This course will focus on the myths of ancient Greece and Rome, as a way of exploring the nature of myth and the function it plays for individuals, societies, and cultures. Participants will learn about mythology from various civilizations such as Greek, Norse, Egyptian, Chinese, and other cultures. Through readings, lectures, virtual learning environment (VLE), assignments, and discussions participants will gain an understanding of how these myths have shaped our world today. Learning Objectives:
    • Identify key figures in Greek and Roman mythology
    • Analyze the themes found in ancient myths
    • Compare different mythologies from around the world
    • Understand how mythological stories are used to explain natural phenomena or historical events
    • Examine how modern culture has been influenced by ancient mythologies
    • Explain why certain gods were worshipped in different cultures and what they represented to their people
    • Describe the role of heroes in mythology and how they embody values of their society or culture
    • Explore how mythological stories can be interpreted differently depending on one’s own cultural background or beliefs system
    • Investigate how archetypes are used in literature to convey universal truths or messages about human nature
    • Discuss why some myths have endured throughout generations while others have faded away over time
  • Portfolio

    Course Description: This online course will teach participants how to create an effective and professional portfolio that showcases their skills and abilities. Participants will learn about different types of portfolios, how to choose the right format for their needs, and how to create a portfolio that stands out from the rest. They will also learn about the importance of maintaining their portfolio over time, as well as tips on how to make it look more professional. Learning Objectives:
    • Understand different types of portfolios and when each type should be used
    • Learn how to choose the right format for your needs
    • Create a portfolio that stands out from others
    • Maintain your portfolio over time with regular updates
    • Utilize design elements such as color, fonts, images, etc., in order to make your portfolio look more professional
    • Understand best practices when creating an online presence through social media platforms such as LinkedIn or Twitter
    • Learn strategies for marketing your portfolio in order to reach potential employers or clients
    • Develop techniques for keeping track of feedback received from employers or clients
    • Identify ways in which you can use analytics tools such as Google Analytics in order to measure success
    • Utilize SEO techniques in order to increase the visibility of your online profile
  • Interactive activities and learning path. Instant Access to our platform / multimedia content 1 year full access to the purchased courses.  
  • Short Story Writing

    Course Description: This course is designed to help participants become better short story writers. It will cover topics such as structure, plot, point of view, setting, description, and more. Participants will learn how to create compelling characters and stories that draw readers in. They will also get tips on rewriting and editing their work. By the end of the course, participants should be able to write a complete short story Learning Objectives:
    • Understand the fundamentals of writing a short story
    • Learn how to create an engaging plot and characters
    • Develop an understanding of different points of view
    • Explore various settings for stories
    • Understand the importance of description in storytelling
    • Practice techniques for rewriting and editing stories
    • Learn how to use dialogue effectively in stories
    • Develop skills for crafting effective endings
    • Receive feedback from peers on their work
    • Create a complete short story with confidence
  • Writing Essentials

    Course Description: Writing Essentials is an online course designed to help participants develop their writing skills. The course covers a range of topics, from grammar and composition to creative literary talents. Through this course, participants will gain the skills they need to excel at business communications, express themselves clearly online, and take their creative literary talents to the next level. Learning Objectives:
    • Understand the four main styles of writing (expository, persuasive, descriptive, narrative)
    • Learn how to apply grammar rules in written work
    • Develop an understanding of composition techniques and strategies
    • Practice effective business communication techniques
    • Increase proficiency in expressing oneself online
    • Enhance creative literary talents through practice and feedback
    • Develop a strong foundation for future writing courses or projects
    • Improve overall writing skills by practicing with real-world examples and scenarios
    • Learn how to effectively edit one’s own work for clarity and accuracy of content and style
    • Gain confidence in one’s ability to write effectively for various purposes and audiences
