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  • Public Administration Course Syllabus

    Course Description: This course provides an overview of the field of public administration and its importance in modern government operations. It covers topics such as the legal framework for creating and implementing public policy, the major issues, actors, and policies affecting the public lands and resources of the United States, and processes for effectively leading public service programs in the governmental, nonprofit, and private sectors. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the legal framework for creating and implementing public policy at all governmental levels
    • Analyze major issues, actors, and policies affecting the public lands and resources of the United States
    • Develop strategies to effectively lead public service programs in the governmental, nonprofit, and private sectors
    • Examine processes for developing successful solutions to public problems
    • Identify key concepts related to professional training in Public Administration
    • Evaluate current issues in Public Management
    • Utilize research methods to analyze data related to Public Administration topics
    • Demonstrate an understanding of ethical considerations when working with public policy initiatives
    • Develop a comprehensive understanding of how local, state, and national governments interact with each other on various policy initiatives
    • Create strategies to effectively communicate with stakeholders on various policy initiatives
  • Process Management Course Syllabus

    Course Description: This course provides an in-depth exploration of the fundamentals of process management. Students will learn how to identify, evaluate and improve processes in order to optimize business operations. Through a combination of lectures, case studies, and hands-on activities, students will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to become successful process managers. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of process management and its importance in business operations
    • Learn how to identify, evaluate and improve processes
    • Develop an understanding of process mapping techniques and their application in process management
    • Explore the use of Lean BPM principles for efficient and agile workflows
    • Gain an understanding of continuous improvement tools for optimizing processes
    • Learn how to apply Six Sigma Belts for effective decision-making in process management scenarios
    • Become familiar with ITIL 4 Foundation principles for successful implementation of business improvements
    • Understand the role of visual management in competitive advantage strategies related to process management projects
    • Explore the use of Business Process Management Training (BPMS) certificates as a way to demonstrate expertise in this field to employers or clients
  • Course Description: This course is designed to help students understand the major functions of management (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling) and the significance of each function in relation to the existence of the company. This course describes how companies use management to set and accomplish goals through individuals, groups, and other types of resources. It also analyzes communication and ethics in the organization. Other topics include decision-making, change, employee development, organizational structures, management control, leadership, conflict resolution, information security, and globalization. Course Objectives:
    • Identify the roles and functions of a manager
    • Evaluate the need for change and recommend change for a business situation
    • Compare and contrast organizational structures and mechanisms for coordination
    • Identify the diversity of the American workforce and recommend ways to manage the diverse workforce
    • Recognize and apply ways to build effective teams and resolve conflict
    • Explore types and methods of managerial control impacting output, behavior, and organizational culture
    • Develop a leadership mindset
  • Course Description:

    This course will examine explanations of individual behavior, the nature of human behavior in groups, and the structure and functioning of organizations. It will provide an overview of the fundamental concepts of organizational theory and behavior, including organizational power, structures, decision-making, personal perceptions, teamwork, communication networks, motivation theories, leadership styles, and cultural influences. Students will learn multiple theories of organizational behavior and apply them to actual cases of organizational change. The objective is to teach students the fundamental concepts of organizational theory such as organizational power, structures, decision-making, personal perceptions, teamwork, and cultural influences. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the fundamentals of organizational theory and behavior
    • Analyze the evolution of organization theory
    • Examine explanations for individual behavior in organizations
    • Explore the nature of human behavior in groups
    • Evaluate practices and methods within organizations that facilitate or hamper effective behavior
    • Analyze different perspectives on organizations
    • Discuss how to apply theories to actual cases of organizational change
    • Assess different motivation theories
    • Compare various leadership styles
    • Examine how cultural influences shape organizations
  • Course Description: This online course is designed to explore crucial concepts and skills for organizational management. This course will help strengthen Human Resources Best Practices and improve organizational culture and behavior providing a change in the environment needed to create an effective, high-performing organization. Course Objectives:
    • Develop and use strategic Vision, Values, and Mission statements
    • Identify steps in the formulation and implementation of strategy in the nonprofit organizations
    • Recognize common HR issues in non-profit organizations and how to effectively mitigate them
    • Discover elements of Organizational Behavior and Culture and how to change and improve them
  • Couse Description:  This course explores networks and how managers and organizations can navigate them to produce successful strategic innovation outcomes. Although managers are increasingly aware of the importance of social relations for the inner-workings of the organization, they often lack insights and tools to analyze, influence or even create these networks. This course draws on insights from social network theory; insights sharpened by research in a number of different empirical settings including production, engineering, financial services, consulting, and R&D/hi-tech organizations. 
    Course Objectives: 
    • About social network theory 
    • How networked organizations are resilient and innovative 
    • How social network theory applies to both networks of independent associates as it does to traditional organizations 
  • Course Description: This course will provide an analysis of the economy as a whole including measurement and determination of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, national income, inflation, and unemployment. Learners will explore fundamental economic ideas and the operation of the economy on a national scale. Production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, the exchange process, the role of government, the national income and its distribution, GDP, consumption function, savings function, investment spending, the multiplier principle, and the influence of government spending on income and output. This course takes both a short and long-term view of the economy and aims to help learners understand how modern macroeconomics applies to business cycles, economic growth, unemployment, and money. The course evaluates the scope for policy interventions to improve macroeconomic performance. Course Objectives:
    • Become familiar with the range of perspectives and approaches found in macroeconomics
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the basic analytical concepts that are essential for understanding the global macroeconomy
    • Define and measure national income and rates of unemployment and inflation
    • Identify the phases of the business cycle and the problems caused by cyclical fluctuations in the market economy
    • Define money and the money supply
    • Construct the aggregate demand and aggregate supply model of the macroeconomy and use it to illustrate macroeconomic problems and potential monetary and fiscal policy solutions
    • Explain the mechanics and institutions of international trade and their impact on the macroeconomy
    • Define economic growth and identify sources of economic growth
  • Introduction to Marketing Course Syllabus

    Course Description: Marketing is a key business function that helps organizations reach their goals by connecting with customers and creating relationships. It involves understanding customer needs, developing strategies to meet those needs, and then executing those strategies in order to create value for customers. This course will provide an introduction to the fundamentals of marketing, including topics such as market research, segmentation, positioning, branding, communication strategies, and more. By the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of how marketing works and how it can be used to achieve organizational objectives. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the fundamentals of marketing
    • Learn about different types of markets and customer segments
    • Develop an understanding of market research techniques
    • Explore various methods for segmenting markets
    • Gain knowledge about positioning and branding strategies
    • Learn about communication strategies for reaching target audiences
    • Understand the importance of customer loyalty programs
    • Develop an understanding of pricing strategies and tactics
    • Discover how to measure marketing performance using metrics such as ROI and KPI's
    • Analyze case studies to gain insight into real-world applications of marketing principles
  • Introduction to Social Media Marketing Course Syllabus

    Course Description: Social media marketing is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to create and execute a successful social media marketing plan. You will learn how to use popular social media networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to reach your target audience, build brand awareness, and increase sales. The course will also cover topics such as content creation, analytics, and best practices for social media marketing. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the fundamentals of social media marketing
    • Learn how to create a comprehensive social media marketing plan
    • Identify the most effective platforms for reaching your target audience
    • Develop strategies for creating engaging content
    • Analyze data from various social media networks
    • Utilize best practices for optimizing campaigns
    • Implement tactics for increasing brand awareness
    • Leverage tools and technologies to maximize results
    • Monitor trends in the industry and adjust strategies accordingly
    • Measure the success of campaigns and identify areas for improvement
  • Marketing on the Internet Course Description: Marketing on the Internet is a comprehensive online course that covers the essential principles of digital marketing. This course will give you an in-depth understanding of how to effectively market products and services online. You will learn about search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and more. Through interactive lectures, readings, discussions, and assignments, you will develop the knowledge and skills required to design and implement a successful digital marketing campaign. This course is ideal for business owners, aspiring marketers, and digital marketing professionals who want to improve the online visibility of their products and services. Course Objectives:  
    • Understand the fundamental principles of digital marketing and its different channels
    • Analyze online consumer behavior and implement targeted digital marketing campaigns
    • Apply search engine optimization (SEO) best practices to website content
    • Develop strategies for content marketing, including writing and publishing blog posts for different audiences
    • Understand social media marketing and target-specific audiences using social media platforms
    • Develop effective email marketing campaigns
    • Implement a pay-per-click advertising campaign by creating keywords, ad groups, and bidding strategies
    • Understand data analytics and create performance metrics to measure the efficiency of digital marketing campaigns
    • Develop a digital marketing campaign across multiple platforms to create a cohesive brand experience
    • Analyze a campaign’s performance and make data-driven decisions to strengthen future marketing strategies
