Products 441 - 450 from 689. Products on page
  • Course Description: This course will provide an analysis of the economy as a whole including measurement and determination of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, national income, inflation, and unemployment. Learners will explore fundamental economic ideas and the operation of the economy on a national scale. Production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, the exchange process, the role of government, the national income and its distribution, GDP, consumption function, savings function, investment spending, the multiplier principle, and the influence of government spending on income and output. This course takes both a short and long-term view of the economy and aims to help learners understand how modern macroeconomics applies to business cycles, economic growth, unemployment, and money. The course evaluates the scope for policy interventions to improve macroeconomic performance. Course Objectives:
    • Become familiar with the range of perspectives and approaches found in macroeconomics
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the basic analytical concepts that are essential for understanding the global macroeconomy
    • Define and measure national income and rates of unemployment and inflation
    • Identify the phases of the business cycle and the problems caused by cyclical fluctuations in the market economy
    • Define money and the money supply
    • Construct the aggregate demand and aggregate supply model of the macroeconomy and use it to illustrate macroeconomic problems and potential monetary and fiscal policy solutions
    • Explain the mechanics and institutions of international trade and their impact on the macroeconomy
    • Define economic growth and identify sources of economic growth
  • Basic Excel

    Prerequisite: Access to Microsoft Excel 2013+ or Office 365 Some experience with Excel formulas is recommended, but not required. Experience with printing and using a web browser are assets, but not required. Course Description: This course is designed for beginner Excel learners, who are seeking to build presentation skills with Microsoft Excel. This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the basic Excel formulas and functions. This course teaches through both analytical learning and through hands-on contextual examples designed to practice learning objectives. Course Objectives:
    • master the meaning of core terminology
    • create a spreadsheet, table, and charts, with formulas and functions
    • manage worksheets and workbooks; tables and table data; data cells and ranges; and charts
    • perform operations by using formulas and functions
    • make spreadsheets look professional
    • print a spreadsheet
    Methodology:  The course is designed to engage students at a fundamental level of mastering the understanding of common course elements concepts through analytical and synthesis learning.
  • Microsoft Outlook Course Syllabus

    Course Description: Microsoft Outlook is a powerful program that helps you communicate via email and more. This online course will teach you how to use Outlook in Windows, MacOS, iOS or Android, and Outlook on the web. By the end of this course, you will be able to master essential skills with bite-sized Microsoft Outlook training and interactive tutorials.
  • Description: This course will teach you how to use all the major features of Microsoft PowerPoint so that you can create dynamic and engaging presentations. PowerPoint can be used in many different scenarios, including business presentations, sales presentations, academic lectures, and student projects. Students will learn step-by-step how to add, delete, and edit text, images, shapes, diagrams, graphs and charts. The course will show how to add these objects and customize them using themes, colors, charts and tables. We also explore themes, so that you can stylize your layouts and objects. Themes contain predesigned color schemes, but you can also create your own themes that match your preferences. In addition, we'll learn about styles, transitions, and, animations. For example, we'll cover the ways that you can animate your presentations to make them more appealing to your audience. This course will help you transform a blank page into a professional-looking document! Learning Objectives: Students will:
    • Navigate the PowerPoint interface
    • Create new presentations from scratch, and from templates
    • Add text, pictures, sounds, movies, and charts to your presentations
    • Format the objects that you add to your presentations
    • Design slides using themes, colors, and special effects
    • Animate objects on slides to bring them to life
    • Add special effects to slide transitions to spice up your presentations
    • Work with Master Slides to make editing your presentation easy
    • Add Sart-Art
    • Set up slide shows and rehearse timings for your slides
    Methodology:  The course is designed to engage students at a basic level of mastering the understanding of PowerPoint concepts through analytical and synthesis learning.
  • Description: In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of basic Office Word processing. Whether you use Word for work, study, or leisure, this course will help you transform a blank page into a professional-looking document! While these programs are available on mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones, the exercises are designed to be completed on a desktop or laptop computer. Learning Objectives: Students will:
    • Navigate efficiently basic WORD functions
    • Create, save, and share documents
    • Implement techniques for proofreading, editing, and updating documents
    • Apply pre-designed Styles and format text with fonts and colors
    • Change the font, typeface, document, and paragraph formats
    • Create a formatted, proofed, and printed Word document
    • Create, delete, duplicate, and rearrange slides
    • Create images, illustrations, shapes, and hyperlinks in a worksheet
    • Work with bullets, indents, and line spacing
    • Insert pictures and screenshots
    • Set up page layout for margins, columns, and printing
    • Create and update an automated Table of Contents
    • Mail merge to envelopes, labels, emails, and form letters
    Methodology:  The course is designed to engage students at a basic level in mastering the understanding of Office Word concepts and formulas, through analytical and synthesis learning.
  • Middle Ages Culture

    Course Description: This online course provides an in-depth look at the culture of Medieval Europe, from the fall of Rome to the emergence of Europe. Participants will learn about the political and social structures of the time period, as well as the art, literature, and architecture that defined it. Through lectures and readings, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of this fascinating era in history. Learning Objectives:
    • Understand the political and social structures of Medieval Europe
    • Analyze the impact of Christianity on Medieval European culture
    • Examine the literature, art, and architecture of Medieval Europe
    • Learn about daily life during this period in history
    • Explore how different cultures interacted with each other during this time period
    • Investigate how trade impacted Medieval European culture
    • Analyze how warfare shaped Medieval European culture
    • Understand how feudalism worked in Medieval Europe
    • Examine how technology changed over time during this period
    • Analyze how religion influenced politics during this period
  • Money Management

    Course Description: Money Management is an online course that provides an overview of money management principles and techniques. This course covers the fundamentals of personal finance, including budgeting, saving, investing, and debt management. You will learn how to manage your finances effectively and how to make informed decisions about saving, investing, and spending. Through interactive lectures, readings, discussions, and assignments, you will develop the knowledge and skills required to manage your money effectively. This course is ideal for individuals who want to develop a strong financial literacy foundation and gain control over their finances. Course Objectives:
    • Understand the fundamentals of money management and financial planning
    • Develop a budgeting strategy, including identifying financial goals, tracking expenses, and creating a spending plan
    • Develop an understanding of various savings options, including savings accounts, CDs, and money market accounts
    • Understand the different types of credit and credit scores, and learn how to manage your credit effectively
    • Analyze different types of retirement savings options, including individual retirement accounts, pensions, and 401(k) plans
    • Understand principles of investing and investment options, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
    • Develop a strategy for managing debt, including credit card debt, loans, and mortgages
    • Understand the principles of insurance and its different types, including life insurance, health insurance, and auto insurance
    • Develop an understanding of taxes and their impact on your financial situation.
    • Analyze case studies and real-world examples to apply money management concepts to practical personal financial situations
  • Movement to Teach

    Course Description: This online course is an exploration into the field of teaching and how one can pursue a career in this area. The topics range from teaching methodology, educational technology, and learning theory to evaluation criteria, professional development, and career opportunities. During the course, you will be equipped with the skills necessary to improve your teaching practice and explore new opportunities in the profession. Through interactive lectures, discussions, case studies, and assignments you will develop innovative pedagogical approaches that can be applied in any classroom context. Course Objectives:
    • Understand teaching methodology & evaluate its impact on learning
    • Examine various educational technologies for instruction & engagement
    • Analyze learning theories as they relate to instruction design & delivery
    • Develop methods for evaluating student performance
    • Explore professional development options in teaching
    • Recognize characteristics of effective classrooms
    • Utilize strategies for working with different types of learners
    • Investigate strategies for creating instructional objectives & assessments
    • Discuss emerging trends in the field of education including online tools & distance learning frameworks
    • Investigate current job opportunities in education & create a career path
  • Interactive activities and learning path. Instant Access to our platform / multimedia content 1 year full access to the purchased courses.
  • Interactive activities and learning path. Instant Access to our platform / multimedia content 1 year full access to the purchased courses.
